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Beauty Benefits of Good Night's Sleep

Beauty Benefits of Good Night's Sleep
Image Courtesy - Pixabay
                                Do You Know? Your skin starts repairing itself as you sleep at night, this happens because the cell regeneration is at its peak at night and there is maximum blood flow in the skin. Now, after knowing this super amazing fact, you can imagine how important is a good night's sleep for everyone. This is just one beauty benefit of a good night's sleep. Let's peek into the other benefits as well:  

1. Radiant Glowing Skin:

While you snooze your body maximizes the blood flow, each and every cell of the body gets an ample amount of blood supply and the result is seen on your skin.

Beauty Benefits of Good Night's Sleep
Image Courtesy - Unsplash

2. No More Puffy Eyes:

The bags under your eyes so-called 'dark circles' are too much irritating but don't worry every problem has a solution, so as here, the solution is a sound sleep of 7 hours. 

Beauty Benefits of Good Night's Sleep
Image Courtesy - Unsplash

3.  Bye Bye Wrinkles:

Our skin is super active at night while we are busy snoozing, it makes new collagen, which helps in preventing the sagging. Basically, it's a repair process, which means more collagen equals to plumper skin. Isn't it great? 

Beauty Benefits of Good Night's Sleep
Image Courtesy - Unsplash

4. Healthier hair:

A good night's sleep feeds your hair as well. Leave your hair untied, this helps hair follicles gain nutrients, minerals and vitamins from the blood flow. 

Beauty Benefits of Good Night's Sleep
Image Courtesy - Unsplash
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